Message of the Admor for 2015

As we start 2015 Admor would like to share with you a few thoughts about life.

In the five Books of Moses, God said “and they will build a temple in the their heart and I will live there.” This world is all about to build a receptacle as a temple in order to receive the infinite love and light from the Master of the Universe, the Almighty God. This receptacle that we should build is to restore the light of God and to transmit it to all humankind around us in order to make a balance in the universe. As God created the world for humankind to continue the creation; unfortunately humankind destroy the planet and kill each other.

Another concept for understanding is that of time. Time is illusion invented by humankind and humankind became a slave of the time, how funny is it because God is eternity and our soul is eternity. So one of the biggest mission of the Admor in this world is that humankind will understand the journey to God in order to connect to his light and understand that the most important issue is to be united as one soul with one receptacle so God really will enjoy from humankind and not consider destroying the evilness that is coming from humankind like in the time of Noah.

To share with you an important understanding about love that is coming from the Admor, while Admor sees that people do not understand what is love and how to treasure it. As we can see people fall in love in a second and then in another the love is no longer there.

The three steps (dimensions) that humankind can use to protect the love and keep for eternity: estetica, etica and respect.

  • The dimension of estetica is physical and spirituality that God created humankind what is enlightened inside, source of beauty, love, compassion and light.
  • The dimenstion of etica is the rules to behave, to restore, to preserve, to walk between, the necessary and the compassion that can drive and strive from the inside of the reality of the eternity in order to keep the understanding and appreciation between each other, God and humankind, the flowers and the sun. Rules that give us the full movement to keep the understanding between humankind and the person.
  • The dimension of respect is to understand that love should be unconditional and the only tool to keep love is to respect your love, pure like the shining of the stars in a dark night. The most important mechanism the Admor says is not to love, it is to love the love you love then the unconditional love will appear. Admor says that in the physical universe, to give a flower is beautiful but to plant the seed for the flower is more powerful as it is a source for eternity. On the spirituality level it works in the same way for love. Planting the seed of love is a powerful source to have in order to take care of the love and to keep it eternity.

Just after all this movement, estetica, etica and respect, love can bloom for eternity. Humankind shall understand all the spectrum of light that the empty color of white is a reflection of the three steps that go through the empty color and the spectrum of love will emerge and this is God’s will.

From the deepness of my heart and eternity light that coming out of me, Admor bless you and your children for eternity, love, happiness, miracles and wonderness. May the almighty God send his holy angels to protect all of you.

Admor wish you all a happy New Year 2015.

All the blessing love and light,
