As humans we are all bound to sin and make mistakes. It is for this reason that the soul needs a means to ask for forgiveness and a space to make corrections – this is the way it is brought back in line with its higher purpose and respect for humankind.
In the Jewish tradition, Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is a very special ritual. It celebrates a deep and meaningful connection to the Creator and it encourages the humbleness of the individual’s ego to acknowledge sin and ask for forgiveness. The ritual also requires abstinence – a powerful message to the soul that despite the discomfort of deprivation – which is difficult for both body and soul – both can survive and purify themselves. Through cleansing, a purer and more sublime self emerges.
One cannot refer to this Jewish celebration without honouring the heroic Queen Esther, a smart and beautiful woman. Persian in origin, her name contains all the secrets of the future. The knowledge contained in these secrets is the tool to bridge and elevate the physical world to a new dimension – connecting the outside physical universe with the inner spiritual level.
With Creation came Light, and this being good and holy is the only capacity that holds the secrets to unlock the power that restore what has been intentionally or accidentally broken.
To be activated, this power requires unity – it is putting into practice the requirement “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”. This includes sharing and giving, as figuratively this shows a willingness and an availability to give of oneself, not only materially but also spiritually. Receiving is the other side of this virtue – it conveys a message of acceptance of whatever the other person has to offer and the pleasure to be honoured with the gift. This exchange of energy of giving and receiving creates a collective unity, which in turn brings power to intention.
Ultimately, it is to be understood that our body is only the temple that holds our soul; this reflects the fact that reality has no meaning and being the soul that has control, it is only when it connects to the One intellect, rather than our intellect, that it is guided through the world.
So atonement defeats darkness with the light of happiness and the soul renews itself to receive the gifts of life and its wonderful experiences.